Created out of concern for the lack of financial education available to the people of the Yakima Valley in Eastern Washington, a group of non-profits came together to form the Yakima County Asset Building Coalition otherwise known as the YCABC.
Today, the Coalition has grown to offer 3 programs supported by over 30 members. The 3 programs designed to help low to medium income people in the Yakima Valley are as follows:
1. Spread knowledge of free Earned Income Tax Credit programs and get clients signed up for free AARP tax return services.
2. Coordinate the Bank On Yakima program, which allows people to open bank accounts who may not otherwise qualify.
3. Disseminate financial education courses and other educational tools.
We are always looking for new ways to help others successfully learn to build assets.
In the beautiful Yakima Valley, some individuals saw a disturbing amount of financially unstable people. The president of United Way, members of Apprisen and a few other nonprofits came together in 2007 to discuss the troubles of personal financial instability and possible solutions.
Thus the Yakima County Asset Building Coalition was born. Since that first small meeting, more than 20 partners from different backgrounds have teamed up to provide services and education to people who really want to learn how to sustain themselves by themselves. The members of the Coalition work diligently to ensure programs are providing adequate and up-to-date information for their clients.
Now under the umbrella of the Washington Asset Building Coalition, the YCABC has relationships with other Asset Building Coalitions in Washington State sharing best practices and innovative ideas to better impact our communities. The YCABC has the distinguished honor of having been recognized as a Lead Organization by the Corporation for Enterprise Development (CFED) www.cfed.org.
Every day is a new opportunity to learn and each member actively looks for ways to make YCABC more impactful for their community. If you are interested in learning more about the Coalition or want to join, please go to the Contact Us page and email Donna Hatten at theycabc@gmail.com with your inquiry.
Coalition Contacts:
Paula Slaye Chair YCABC
Donna Hatten, Community Developer
Bank On Contact:
Kari Palmer, Chair Bank On Yakima County
EITC/Tax Preparation Contact:
Paula Slaye
AARP Tax Preparation Lead